Assurance Of Salvation

1. (a) What is God's requirement for salvation according to the following verses?

John 3:16-18

John 1:12

1John 5:11-13

John 5:24

What do these passages tell us about observing the law or trying to be saved by good works?

Since we are not saved by good works, by what are we saved? Explain:

Who are those that God justifies according to Rom. 3:26?

From the above passages (a) and (b), what is the condition of salvation?

Why is this so? (See John 14:6 & Acts 4:12)

Who are those who come to Christ? (Vs 44 & 65)

What is Christ's promise to those who come to Him? (Vs.37 & 44)

Romans 10:11-13

Luke 23:42&43:

Why will Christ accept those who come to Him? (John 6:38- 40)

Luke 15:11-20

Heb. 11:6

Matt. 7:9-11

1 Tim.2:3 - 4

2 Pet. 3:9