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A friend of mine has done so many things- she smokes and drinks heavily and derives pleasure from partying, she happens to be an unbeliever. What would you say to get her saved based on Acts 16:31
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Stop drinking, smoking and doing bad things, just give your life to Christ
Repent of your evil deeds and accept Christ or you will perish in hell.
Jesus Christ paid for the sins of the world, including yours and mine. If you believe this, you are saved.
If you invite you Jesus into your life, He will save you from all these bad things you do. So, surrender to God.
From John 3:18, 1 John 3:20. Do our feelings or emotions have any role to play in our salvation? That is, if I feel I am a sinner, does that make me a sinner?
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Yes, because we must listen to our conscience
No, because we may not have done anything bad
Yes, because all have sinned
No, because God has a final say on who is a sinner and He is greater than our conscience
What do you think about God’s plan salvation? (See Romans 1:16, 17) It is:
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In a class of its own
Please, now share with us the reason why you know that you are saved.